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Ingress, Portal Submission and OPR

How to Get Portals Approved

new portal

(Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 1536 9772 3990!)

At this time, Agents level 10+ have the opportunity to submit 14 portals with a cooldown of 14 days per submission and agents level 12+ get to vote in OPR (Operation Portal Recon) to approve or reject portal submissions.

This is just a basic guide of do’s and don’ts for portal submissions so you can get more approvals and less rejections.

Step One – Quality Candidate

This is the most important step. OPR agents will just reject weak or suspected fake submissions and you are only wasting your submissions.
Niantic have a very basic and vague portal criteria list which is insufficient. Niantic has since released a guide for suggested OPR scoring which serves as a much better guide for agents to pick candidates to submit.
Agent @Peardrop is currently working on materials to help agents find better quality submissions and to help OPR agents process submitted portals better. This is a constant work in progress so keep referring to the source here. (see tabs at bottom to see the Ask Me Anything/FAQ questions answered by Andrew Krug in regards portal submissions and OPR)

***NOTE: If you can plan submissions properly you should always check google streetview to make sure the item is visible as that is what reviewers see. If it does not appear you can add in the description that no streetview is available but you can confirm the location has been verified. This relies on the reviewers to use common sense and trust you. If you want you can upload a photospere to google maps using the streetview app (this can take time to appear)***

Again – here is the list of things to submit or not submit to guarantee acceptance
Now that you have found a good candidate we have….

Step Two – Take a good photograph

  • Take a photograph of the actual item you are submitting (in focus)
  • Don’t stand too far yet don’t be too close as it helps OPR reviewers if you can see some background or surround of the candidate so they can verify the location as sometimes google streetview is out of date
  • No people in the picture nor car license plates as best possible

Step Three – Submission Information

When you have a good photograph you are then asked to fill in the following

new portal2.jpg

Three bits of information are all that is required.
Name: Self explanatory, give the portal a good name
Location: This is where most candidates that should have been accepted get rejected. For some reason the yellow marker is (for me) rarely at the correct location. It is 20 – 100 feet out in a random direction. Agents should get in to the habit of tapping the location picture EVERY TIME and adjusting the location on to the actual candidate in order to greatly increase their chances of acceptance.
Description: Not always a lot you can say in a description but sometimes a cool background story can be the difference between acceptance and rejection. Especially if a quick google can verify your claim.

Step Four – The Double Check

Double check your spelling and location. Don’t want it to be rejected on a technicality right?
Hit that send button! You will get an email confirmation from Niantic ops to confirm the portal is now in the Q.

Pokemon Go Information

Some Pokemon Go players have joined Ingress to grind to level 10 and submit absolutely anything they can find. Obviously, this annoys reviewers and leads to more rage rejects.
If PoGo players stick to these guides they can have much more success.
NOTE: For some reason it seems that like 90% of the PoGo players join Green/Enlightened. This has pretty badly tipped things towards the green side so can Pogo players now start going Blue please as Ingress is getting ruined pretty quickly.

From submission a portal can be accepted within 2 – 7 days depending on how many OPR reviewers are within 200KM of your submission.
Once a portal candidate is accepted it can take 24 hrs to 72 hrs to appear as a stop or gym in Pogo.

Not all portals will appear in PoGo depending on proximity to existing Stops/Gyms.
A new portal may however trigger a current nearby stop to convert to a gym.

If a PoGo player wants to influence or suggest potential portal candidates please download Ingress, Join Resistance and give the local resistance members a heads up as to what you think could be a potential portal. They will in most cases do it for you or get in touch with someone nearby to do it.

Next – OPR: reviewer help and guidelines

Remember to Join The Resistance! 🙂


Once you have signed up for the resistance See here for how to play and connect with fellow faction members

Ingress Resistance Front Line Reports is contactable via:
email – ingressresistancescotland@gmail.com
Twitter – @IngressRFLR
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/IRFLR


12 thoughts on “How to Get Portals Approved

  1. Thanks for the blog.
    I’m playing in Ghana, so far there’s literally only two players in all of the Ashanti Region, both of us below L12.
    This means there are no OPR Reviewers within 200km of all the portals i plan to submit.
    Does this mean my portals may never be reviewed and accepted?


    Posted by madnblog | September 7, 2018, 4:51 pm
    • I’m afraid that this is likely unless you can find players in the world who are willing to set their bonus location to near your area.
      I assume all portals you submit are never accepted/rejected? Or does it just take a very long time?


      Posted by Alastair Skinner | September 7, 2018, 3:54 pm
      • I just started submitting today. I don’t know how long it’s going to take. I wonder where to find OPR reviewers to set up their bonus location here.
        Thanks for taking the time to answer.


        Posted by madnblog | September 7, 2018, 9:29 pm
      • I would perhaps suggest the ingress reddit to start with. Keep me informed please. Allow 10 – 14 days from submit at most then assume no reviewers


        Posted by Alastair Skinner | September 7, 2018, 8:34 pm
      • I went to the sub, searched for bonus location and left random comments on different posts for OPR reviewers to help Kumasi Ghana if they get to change their bonus location. Hopefully someone does. Its just me submitting portal candidates so just one OPR would be good i think. I’ll keep you posted.

        Liked by 1 person

        Posted by madnblog | September 8, 2018, 2:07 am
  2. I am really wondering who actually reviews the candidates. I am quite confident that new candidates are generally rejected, no matter whether they meet the relevance criteria or not. Playgrounds, national ministries, sites of big international companies, graves of famous people – all got rejected.


    Posted by Nikioko | September 13, 2018, 2:04 am
    • Ingress players level 12+ within roughly 100 to 200 km of your location. And yes, some places have an issue where arseholes reject portals due to BS reasons like the local player is opposite faction.


      Posted by Alastair Skinner | September 13, 2018, 5:44 am
    • hi, i’ve just started reviewing them and generally i accept playgrounds etc i just avoid things like stuff that appears dangerous like petrol stations and building sites. I also don’t particularly like generic things like a normal street sign but i would accept something like a community notice board. It really is down to the person looking at it and their preferences. The decision doesn’t come down to one person though.


      Posted by Tyrone | March 15, 2019, 2:15 pm
  3. It was unexpected but it really is true that everybody from pogo is joining Enlightened including me. Maybe they see my portals and think that it’s good to be on the same faction like in pogo. We only had one Resistance agent so far. Everybody else joined Enlightened and disappeared because there aren’t enough portals even for one agent in our town. I know that in other areas there is some rivalry between the factions but in my, I really would like some competition.


    Posted by felain | April 22, 2019, 10:11 am
    • To be honest I thought it was prejudice from pogo. Blue = Mystic so they go with green but that’s just my guess


      Posted by Alastair Skinner | April 22, 2019, 9:14 am
    • lol I started ingress to get new poke stops, and am Enlightened, but that’s because everyone in my city is basically Resistance. Luckily my neighbourhood is pretty dead for ingress, so I keep it green, but I’m one of the few players who can now knock down the blue teams outside my block so they can take them back and link/field again.


      Posted by Shawn Morley | May 28, 2019, 2:04 am


  1. Pingback: OPR: Reviewer Help and Guidelines | Ingress Resistance Front line Reports - April 6, 2018

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