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Cheating, Ingress, Name And Shame

That Awkward Moment When You Catch Them Cheating


Well, after who knows how long Gratex has finally slipped up and been caught red handed cheating at Ingress.
Today while he was talking to us in comms he mistakenly replied from his other account (we suspect he has a few more)
This Blue account (The903)   he claims is for “trolling” but to be honest…. this guy seems to have an unending arsenal of bursters and keys. We all know everyone can hold 2000 but somehow he was always able to pick up multiples of a LOT of keys and has a ton of L7 and L8 bursters (judging by how quickly he is taking down L6/7/8 portals with shielding in links vs how well we can do it ourselves.

Below is the extract from the Ingress community guide which he violated

  • Cheating: Don’t do it. Play fair. Only use official Niantic Labs software and remember Ingress is meant to be played on a mobile device and get you outside to explore your world! Methods of cheating, unfortunately, are limited only by cheaters’ imaginations, but include at a minimum the following: using modified or unofficial software, playing with multiple accounts (one account per player, please); sharing accounts; win trading; using tools or techniques to alter or falsify your location; or selling or trading accounts. If you suspect someone of cheating, don’t call them out in Comm or demand they show their face, just report it via the Help Center and focus on your mission.

Below is the screenshots of him revealing his alternate account





So there we have it. Green or Blue… I will report you. If you cheat you will get caught.
The reports are in so if he doesn’t end up banned then Niantic have some explaining to do.

To add, his comments about following him. We literally followed his trail of destruction and fixed it like 5 minutes after him 🙂

UPDATE: he deleted the secondary blue account but could easily have more. Ingress Support also didn’t ban the player for violating the ToS even with evidence and confession from the player.


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 Ingresser Essential Tool – Portable Battery Pack (USB connection)

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